Sexual Denigration
Sexual violence does not take place in a vacuum. It is fuelled and sustained by widespread attitudes and beliefs around male "entitlement" and female subordination.
Jokes and banter that are fueled by sexism and misogyny are not clever, edgy or provocative. They're aimed, typically, at titillating immature or insecure males and reinforcing a sense of male superiority and entitlement. Far from being 'a bit of harmless fun', they fuel unhealthy attitudes that have a real-life negative impact on countless women and girls.
Secure men have no need or desire to sexually denigrate women. They respect themselves; they respect women.
Some men need to grow up.
Most women have a great sense of humour. Most women enjoy 'clever', 'edgy' and 'provocative'. Jokes and banter that sexually denigrate women are none of these.
Reducing Sexual Denigration
Corporate sexual denigration of women is socially irresponsible, and harmful.
As a consumer, YOU can TAKE ACTION.
Support companies that take a stand against sexism.
Boycott companies and advertisers that sexually denigrate women.