Book our Speaker
A Convention or special event coming up?
Want a speaker who will challenge, provoke, inspire? Ideal for:
Men in leadership
Men's groups
Women's groups
A vibrant key note speaker, Stop Demand's founder Denise Ritchie has addressed audiences ranging in size from 30 to 3,000+. She draws on a range of topical and often polarising issues that touch all communities - pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual violence, to widespread cultures spanning locker rooms to corporate boardrooms.
Denise is a captivating speaker who challenges, provokes and inspires audiences to become part of a positive movement for change.
A speaker's fee or a donation to Stop Demand will apply, relative to your event and its size.
Booking Form:
“We had a great turn out for the Unifem breakfast that our Club organised and the guest speaker Denise Ritchie was sensational...”